Helpful links and resurces
Bellow is a list of useful links and resources related to the environment.
- 4 ocean
- World real time air quality
- Air pollution affects everyone and everything
- Algae as indicators of water of water quality.
- Algae harboring a chlorella virus
- Algae World news
- All about algae
- Ant web
- ARC Center of Excellence-Coral Reef Studies
- Arctic Health
- Arctic news-blogspost;Global Climate change
- Carbon Dioxide web page
- Carbon fund
- Carbon sinks
- Circle of Blue
- climate hot map
- Copepods
- Cyanobacteria toxins
- David Arieti October lecture on Chernobyl and Large jellyfish outbreak
- David Arieti’s lectures on Youtube
- David’s comedy show
- Desdemona despair
- Earth Justice
- Ebola Virus Outbreak 2015-warning
- Ecology in today’s world
- Encyclopedia of Life
- Environment 360
- Envirovideo
- Fungus page
- Giant Viruses infecting Algae
- Global Earth Maps
- Global Forest Watch
- Global Interests
- Global Monitoring Division of NOAA
- green world rising
- Haitian mud cookies
- Horsehoecrabs and their importance
- How many trees are left in the world?
- ICES-International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
- ICES-International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
- Insideclimatenews
- Intact forests
- Jellyfish Information
- Khanacademy
- Lecture about Silvano Arieti by David Arieti
- Lecture on Glyphosate given by David Arieti on Oct 20, 2016 at Oakton Community College
- Microworld
- Mongabay web site Tracks rain forest destruction
- New York Times interactive chart showing warming trends in various cities around the world
- NOAA Fisheries
- NSIDC- National snow and ice data Center
- Our endangered world
- Plastic pollution coalition
- Reflection of purpose by David Arieti
- Sailors for the sea
- Soil Story
- Starving Fish
- Suicide Watch on Planet Earth
- The Great Plastic Grabage Patch
- Toxipedia
- Truths and myths about climate change
- Water Pollution Facts
- What is Fracking
- World Ocean review
- WWF sea turtles